3.1.3 KeyPal firmware upgrade tutorial for Linux

KeyPal firmware upgrade tutorial for Linux

Web instruction 1 install Bridge 2 upgrade firmware

PC client instruction

  1. install PC client 2 install Bridge 3 upgrade firmware KeyPal firmware upgrade tutorial (for web) You can also choose to download the PC program. Compared with the WEB tutorial, the PC has one more step of installing the PC client, and the other steps are the same. The following is a demonstration of the WEB instruction. https://wallet.keypal.pro/data/client/keypal-Suite-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage https://wallet.keypal.pro/data/client/keypal-Suite-1.0.0-linux-arm64.AppImage

  2. Open https://connect.KeyPal.pro/ , click "Your device was not found?”

In the unable to connect solution, we need to click the second option to download the KeyPal Bridge program.

Choose Bridge package to download.

Open the app after download. If the pop-up shows that the installation failed: not supported, you have to use a special method to solve it.

Re-open the Bridge program in the downloaded to install.

After installing, use the data cable to connect the KeyPal and insert it into the USB port of the computer.

Insert the KeyPal, and the WEB shows that KeyPal is connected, and the current firmware version is visible in the lower left corner, click the upgrade available button.

Move the mouse to "Latest Version" to view the update content of the new version, and click upgrade firmware to go to the next step.

Be sure to complete the backup (KeyPal does not support exporting the mnemonic after creation), then tick I have backed it up and click Continue.

Follow the instructions, first disconnect the KeyPal wallet, then press and hold the down button of the KeyPal wallet and reconnect the data cable.

the interface will show that the device is ready. In the KeyPal interface, right-click and select Yes to start updating (Be sure not to disconnect from the computer during the update process).

After completing the upgrade, click close and pull out the KeyPal to complete all the process of upgrading the WEB firmware.

Last updated